What Is So Special About Being A Network Administrator

Right now there is no career field that is growing faster today than Information Technology (IT). With massive advances in technology over the last few years, organizations are looking for professionals who can keep their computer networks working & improving them with the times. 

Network administrators are turning out to be a very important part of the IT workforce. There has been immense growth in the number of network administrator jobs over the last few years, and by 2022, this number is supposed to surpass 42,000.

Listed below are the 4 best things about becoming a network administrator.

Strong growth prospects:

Network administrators have remarkable job prospects for the coming years. As per the U.S. Dept of Labor, there’ll be a twelve percent increase in network administrator jobs over the coming 8 years. In fact, other predictors put growth even higher, at 28%, or more than double the growth for the typical profession in the US. 

Excellent opportunity for improvement:

If you are seeking a career, instead of simply a job, a network administrator position could be your best option. Since a network administrator’s job is so malleable, the possibilities for advancement in this industry are higher than any others. You can be put in charge of projects, such as leading the change to the cloud, and then shift to a diverse role as soon as you have garnered experience with your organization’s network. 

A wide range of employment options:

Today just about every organization requires an IT department. That entails you could work for different employers, which will keep your job fascinating & ever-changing. For example, you might start as an intern at a small firm whose network consists of little more than a few computers connected to a printer. Within 2 or 3 years, you could shift to a business with 20 floors of employees and satellite offices in 7 cities. 

Freelance opportunities:

Most of the IT graduates decide to work for a solitary corporation, relishing the security of a guaranteed paycheck. Whereas others like the flexibility and probably large payouts of freelance work. There is an increasing demand for freelance network administrators, whether they’re working for a large company, filling the network support at a smaller firm that cannot pay for a comprehensive IT department, or simply picking up work on the side to supplement a day job. 

The shift to cloud computing opens up a whole new field of expertise for network administrators who’re pioneering new techniques in this field. So, it is very clear that in the coming years the demand of network administrators will only become more valuable. 

So, what are you waiting for? Complete your Network Administrator Diploma now from a reputable institution like CBT College. We’ve an A.S. in Networking Administration degree program that could help you secure employment in this thriving industry. Contact us today to know more about the A.S. in Networking Administration program. 

To start your Network Administrator Training, Contact us today at  786-724-1478 or fill this form https://www.cbt.edu/request-info/  to get started and to learn more about our Network Administrator Diploma  program!


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